Friday, September 21, 2007

Word on the Street in Halifax

Hey, I get to visit the tiger in the Halifax airport again.

I've been invited to read at Word on the Street in Halifax on September 23rd. Here's a link to what's happening:

No word yet on whether Halifax has officially changed its name to Halifax City.


M Butler Hallett said...

I also get to viti my kind and generous relatives in Halifax again.

M Butler Hallett said...

Sigh. "visit," not "viti."

Anonymous said...

How did it go???? I bet you were a huge hit, you star, you! :)

M Butler Hallett said...

Went great. Attentive audience in a very noisy setting -- bagpipes played at one point, drowning out everything else, though not during my session. Had two signings, one for my book, and one as a contributor to the Vagrant Revue. All very cool.

Spark-gap transmission / Michelle Butler Hallett

Spark-gap transmission / Michelle Butler Hallett
in progress