Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hot water

Think a hot bath is a good idea when you're getting over shingles?

It's not.

Seems I woke up some angry nerve endings. Seems I'm painfucked as well as storyfucked today.

Getting a bit frustrated here -- hammer through a wall kind of frustrated.

Like my muse cares. Like any of this actually matters when there's a book to finish.


red-handed said...

Shingles? Shingles? Shin. Gles. Is this an attention thing?

M Butler Hallett said...

Why yes, you heartless toad. It's all about the attention. That's why I blog: -- Poor me, poor poor me. ;)

S'pose shingles beat "a pox upon," like the Elizabethans ... seems they had a pox on everything.

Spark-gap transmission / Michelle Butler Hallett

Spark-gap transmission / Michelle Butler Hallett
in progress