Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"Does Big Brother exist?"

Trailer for the 1984 film of Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. This movie is a brilliant and extremely loyal adaptation of the novel ... and very hard to watch.

I admire Orwell's work greatly, and, while I acknowledge his fame, I still think he's grossly underrated as a writer and a thinker.

I wish Orwell and Nineteen Eighty-Four were no longer relevant. I wish we all could look at this in complete dumbfounded shock and recognize none of it.


Chel(sea) said...

It looks amazing. But is it just me or does the "big brother" resemble Hitler? haha.

I love Orwell and loved 1984.

I'm sure you've read "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley as well?

M Butler Hallett said...

Hitler, guaranteed. But also Stalin -- Orwell wised up to the truths of Stalin much earlier than most of the intelligentsia in Europe. And, even more so, the mehcanics of cult-of-personality. He shows those brutalities in _Animal Farm_, too.

Yep, read BNW, but years ago. And then there's _We_, by Yevgeni Zamyatin, coming out of the USSR in the late 1920s, I think. Orwell read it and acknowledged its influence. Terrifying book.

Spark-gap transmission / Michelle Butler Hallett

Spark-gap transmission / Michelle Butler Hallett
in progress