... a form of arthritis primarily affecting the sacroiliac joints and spine. Can cause ossification and joint fusion. Hurts. Affects mobility. Hurts. Did I mention it hurts?
I use forearm crutches to get around. Passers-by generally glance at the crutches with fear and loathing. I did not see the same reactions when I used the more common underarm crutches -- which are bloody useless, I might add. Underarm crutches require much more energy to use, and the uppermost part likes to get tangled in the side of your bra, should you be wearing one. But back to the forearm crutches, the ones you lean forward on slightly ... why the fear and loathing? Do they seem more medicinal somehow? Do they make me look contagious? Do they remind people of polio? Maybe I'll start asking ...
Maybe they look more permanent, and less like you've been in an accident than that some war-related incident has occurred, or a birth defect.
I expect you're right, Hilary. Meantime, I've found some cool colourful crutches herehttps://www.beanstream.com/scripts/cart/view_products.asp?merchant_id=107710000&category_id=102
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