Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Boopers and typis when the fat lady writes

Amongst the howlers discovered after the Double blind ms went out for blurbs:
  • the narrator and protagonist is eleven in 1946 and then nineteen in 1959
  • a super-duper top secret code on which the weight of a man’s very soul depends changes four times in two pages
  • the narrator’s air conditioner is not broken, yet the hot air is suffocating
  • and, best of all, the narrator spends time in Montauk on Long Island, yet somehow the first time he hears a foghorn or sees the Atlantic ocean is when he comes to St. John’s a year later

Beat head off wall. Rinse. Repeat.


Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle, I check in from time to time and enjoy your blog! Riel

M Butler Hallett said...

Thanks! I can't believe anyone actually reads this thing.

Spark-gap transmission / Michelle Butler Hallett

Spark-gap transmission / Michelle Butler Hallett
in progress