Thursday, December 13, 2007


I'll be signing copies of Double-blind Saturday December 15th from 7pm-9pm at Coles in the Avalon Mall, St. John's.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with that. What's it like?


M Butler Hallett said...

That particular signing was a lot of fun -- lots of people out and about, and I'm pretty brazen, saying hello to everyone who passes. I've had some dire signings wher nothing happened. Worst noe yet was when a lady passed by,m stopped, did a double take, picked up my book and slammed it down in disgust: "That's not Earl Pilgrim."

How does it feel to scribble on a copy of a book I wrote? Really freakin' cool. Fulfilling. Helps balance out early mornings, doubt and sleep-deprivation.

Spark-gap transmission / Michelle Butler Hallett

Spark-gap transmission / Michelle Butler Hallett
in progress