Monday, December 3, 2007

Your character will see you now -- oh, by the way, your narcissism is showing.

So there I am a few years ago, before I’d found a publisher, working on various projects, when Annie Ferncase decides to profile me for the Writers’ Alliance of Newfoundland and Labrador newsletter, Word. The article goes online in 2004. The article mentions Double-blind, which was then in progress, and its protagonist Josh Bozeman.

I’ve whined before about how much I sank into that character, that voice. Not as much in 2004 and 2007, but enough so that when I got e-mail from Josh Bozeman I jumped back from my computer. Logic was quick – “Michelle, you knob, there are probably lots of guys out there with that name” – but fright was quicker.

I told the real-life Josh that the book wasn’t published, but should that change, I’d let him know and send him a copy.

A few weeks ago I did that – and it was eerie – utterly fucking weird – inscribing a copy of Double-blind to a real Josh Bozeman.

This real-life Josh Bozeman can be found here: Please note, I’m neither endorsing nor condemning Josh or The Blue Site – he’s commenting on the events in his country and exercising his right to freedom of speech. I will say it’s been very interesting to be in contact with him.


Anonymous said...

A character comes to life? Could be worse - could be someone from Obliged to drink bad water.

That web site is pretty... well.


M Butler Hallett said...

Yes, it'd be really comforting to get a ntoe from a Jim Mitchell.

Spark-gap transmission / Michelle Butler Hallett

Spark-gap transmission / Michelle Butler Hallett
in progress